



Access to this area of the website is for GEOPOP staff, partners and funders only.

Contact GeoPOP

GeoPOP3 is a research consortium led by the Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University

Prof Neil Goulty
GeoPOP3 Project Leader
Professor of Applied Geophysics

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2341

Dr Stuart Jones
GeoPOP3 Deputy Project Leader
Lecturer in Sedimentology

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2319

Department of Earth Sciences
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE
Tel (office): +44 (0) 191 334 2300
Fax (office): +44 (0) 191 334 2301

The research is carried out in conjunction with:

Ikon GeoPressure
The Rivergreen Centre,
Aykley Heads,
Durham DH1 5TS
Tel: +44 (0) 191 383 7360

School of Civil Engineeringand Geosciences
Cassie Building
Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 6323
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6502

Geopressure research
and pore pressure prediction

GeoPOP (Geosciences Project on OverPressure) is a multi-disciplinary research group investigating overpressure in sedimentary basins, funded by the hydrocarbon industry.

Fluid pressures above the hydrostatic are common in sedimentary basins throughout the world and the excess pressure is known as overpressure. Abnormally high fluid pressures in sedimentary basins can be caused by several different mechanisms. These include gravitational loading by the rapid burial of sediments where the overburden has low permeability; loading by tectonic compressive stress; gas generation; and diagenetic dehydration of clay minerals. The amount of overpressure that develops depends on many parameters and must be modelled as a dynamic process. In recent years, the need for accurate pore pressureprediction in the hydrocarbon industry has grown as exploration wells are drilled to deeper targets. The cost of an individualexploration well in deep water can be over 100 million dollars, so it is essential that wells are planned to reach their objectives efficiently without compromising on safety.

The GeoPOP research consortium comprises three linked themes to improve pore pressure prediction and estimation in mudrocks, to reduce uncertainty in those predictions, and to improve reservoir quality prediction in sandstones.
